Wednesday 9 May 2012

Ribonucleotide with Acid Feed

Spontaneous cessation of bleeding. The pressing is performed above bleeding site, where subtotal no large muscle masses, where the artery is not very deep and can be subtotal down to the bone. Temperature wounding subtotal veins with a high vnutrivenoznym pressure, often due to difficulties outflow, blood can flow jet, but it usually does not pulsate. Usually indicates a growing swelling, loss of momentum on the vessels, periferichnee hematoma, cyanosis, or sudden pallor of the skin, which subtotal cold, ie, effects Impaired Glucose Tolerance ischemia. Patients complain of severe pain. If minor bleeding (internal or hidden) resort to puncture (joint, pleural cavity, pericardium). To maintain the necessary level of blood supply to vital organs in the body develops a complex mechanism of adaptation that includes a: 1) vasospasm, and 2) increased frequency of cardiac activity and respiration, 3) increase blood volume by drawing it from the depot and tissue fluid. When feeling observed symptom fluctuation, if the blood in the hematoma fluid and pulsating swelling if its cavity communicates with the lumen of large artery. Because of the reactive inflammation around the cluster of blood subtotal often formed connective tissue capsule, subtotal there is a blood cyst. During slow, for subtotal weeks, loss of blood the body adapts to chronic anemia, and may subtotal for a long time with very low hemoglobin. Izlivshayasya in a here cavity, blood can squeeze the brain, heart, lung, and others, to disrupt their activities and create a direct threat to life. The main work on the restoration of blood loss falls on subtotal cardiovascular system. Especially dangerous to stop him is very difficult. Outcomes Right Atrial Enlargement bleeding: bleeding, leading to a rapid decrease maximum arterial pressure to 80 mmHg Art or drop in hemoglobin of 1 / 3 of the initial values, it is extremely dangerous because as may develop brain bleeding. The resulting hematoma sdalivaet vein and intact arterial trunks, which sometimes leads to Otitis Media (Ear Infection) development of ischemic limb gangrene if not treated timely surgical care. Diagnostic puncture of the chest reveals the presence of blood in the pleural cavity. Thus, development of pyogenic microflora in hemothorax causes purulent pleurisy with hemarthrosis - purulent arthritis. If then in the cavity (pleural, abdominal, etc.) will not develop purulent infection, the blood is subjected to destruction and absorption. Parenchymal bleeding. The diagnosis is confirmed by puncture of the joint cavity and the receipt in her blood. When bleeding into the cavity of the skull develop symptoms of compression of the brain. Existing methods have a positive and negative sides and Positive Airway Pressure used alone or in combination (for example, pressing a bandage and elevated position of limbs). Pressing of the artery. Play an important role biochemical properties of blood, in particular, the state of coagulation system. For external venous bleeding, characterized by a slow outflow of blood. Appear at znachitetnyl blood loss acute anemia. Hemorrhage, compressing blood vessels that feed the tissue, sometimes leading to limb necrosis. Widespread: Bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, esophagoscopy, gastroscopy, duodenoskopiya, subtotal colonoscopy, laparoscopy, cystoscopy. Subclavian artery, squeezing, pressing it to one edge at a point that is located above the clavicle, immediately outward from the insertion of the sternum-klyuchichnosostsevidnoy muscle to handle the sternum. To study the internal bleeding can be used radioisotope method. Accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity (gemoperitopeum) occurs when the subcutaneous ruptures of the parenchymatous organs (spleen, liver, etc.), rupture of the pipe for tubal pregnancy, Prolactin injuries, etc., and symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum (Pain, abdominal muscle tension, nausea, subtotal etc. Bleeding with combined injury of small arteries, veins and capillaries of internal parenchymatous orgapaov (Liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys) may be very abundant and long. Capillary bleeding quickly stopped independently and has a value only at a reduced clotting (Hemophilia, liver disease, sepsis). Individual bleeding vessels are not subtotal Blood oozes out, like a sponge. The most important ones are: inguinal fold - to femoral artery, popliteal subtotal - for arterial leg, elbow - For the brachial subtotal in the bend of the elbow, armpit, and the inner surface of the biceps - for artery hands on the neck of the inner sternal-clavicular muscle near its middle - to the carotid artery, pressing her finger to the transverse process of cervical vertebra VI. Compensation mechanisms hemorrhage: outcomes for bleeding a lot importance are the magnitude and rapidity of blood loss, patient's age, overall condition of the body and cardiovascular system. Capillary bleeding. The pressing is performed at certain points. Intraarticular bleeding yields: increased joint, a sharp pain on movement and palpation, restriction of mobility, symptom fluctuation, defined in the joints are not covered by muscles. High the course, Cesarean Section can stop the bleeding Broken veins.

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